8 uses of oils in the Bible

1. related to worship (as in Exodus)
2. anointing of kings
3. burial and embalming
4. perfumes and odors
5. agents of healing
6. emotionally uplifting effects of inhaling
7. spiritual attributes

Pro 21:20 – There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise.

Mark 6:12-13 – And they went out and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them.

70% of the books of the Bible mention essential oils, their uses, and/or the plants from which they are derived. There are 1,035 such references involving 33 mentions of aromatic herbs and trees. The word ‘oil’ is mentioned 191 times in the Bible and ‘incense’ is mentioned 68 times.  

Every time the Bible uses words or phrase such as anointing oil, incense, ointment, spices, perfumes, odors, or sweet savors, aromas or fragrances, essential oils are always implied. Natural oils were the only fragrances available in Biblical times, as the synthetic ones of today had not yet been invented.

Many oils used in biblical times were mood elevating. Distilling with steam was an art known to ancient Arabians and Egyptians as far back as 5000 BC. However, distillation was a technology lost to the Western World with the fall of Rome in 500 AD. It was not re-discovered until 400 years later by Arabians.

Essential oils, plants and herbs are God’s gift to everyone. They can never be copyrighted or trademarked or patented for profit.