raisins soaked in gin for arthritis pain relief

I remember years ago my mother had golden raisins soaked in gin that she would eat a teaspoon of each day. She said it really made a difference and she had less pain in her joints. When I would visit I liked eating the raisins just because they tasted so good, but even after just a few days visit I would notice a difference myself--even though I didn’t have arthritis, I had less pain in my body.

Recently a friend told me that she was trying the raisin and gin recipe to see if it makes a difference in her arthritis pain. It made me curious to know why this recipe helps. I found a site with dozens of testimonies of others the raisins and gin has helped. You can check it out at:


Basically you use “golden” raisins (the light colored ones, which are the same raisins as dark raisins, they’re just dried slower with sulphur).  You cover the golden raisins with gin in a glass bowl, uncovered. I’ve added a little more gin a couple times to keep the raisins covered. Some say to let them soak 2 weeks, others say a week, but after they’re soaked you eat just 9 raisins a day, which is about the same as a teaspoon of raisins.

In reading about the raisins and gin I discovered that gin is flavored with juniper berries. Juniper is one of the essential oils I bought because of its healing properties. When you read through the testimonies of how the gin and raisins has helped people, they say maybe it’s because of this or that, but it stood out to me that what makes this remedy work is probably the essential oil of juniper berries in the gin. Essential oils are amazing.

Update (April 1, 2013)
I came across a new article at the same site mentioned above where they say it is the juniper berry that helps the pain. It is an interesting article that is worth reading. Enjoy!
