my first recipe for colds and flu

Right after I received my oils I got a call from my oldest son, 30, that he had the chills and a cough and sore throat. I sent my youngest son, Johnny (19), over to Matt's house with a bottle of my cold and flu recipe. 

I made the recipe after reading the story of the robbers during the Black Plague who weren't getting sick, even though they were stealing from the dead bodies of those who had died from the plague. The king at that time (King James who commissioned the translating of the Bible in 1611) had the robbers caught and it turned out they were perfumers and had used essential oils to protect themselves from the plague. 

I didn't know how many drops to put per ounce, but the recipe I made was:

Cold and flu recipe
1 oz. carrier oil
10 Cinnamon
10 Clove
10 Lemon
10 Eucalyptus
10 Rosemary
(The numbers are drops of essential oil.)

I told Matt to put a drop of this recipe on each side of his throat and a drop on the bottom of each foot. He said within 10 or 15 minutes of doing this his chills went away and he fell into a deep sleep. He continued using the recipe and healed up quickly.

My other kids started to get sore throats and coughs, so I had them start putting the cold and flu recipe on and they never really got sick. I, too, started to get a sore throat and cough. As long as I put the recipe on the sore throat and cough were gone...if I felt like coughing or like my throat was getting sore I would put more oil on and it kept me from getting real sick. 

I read later that I don't need to make the recipe so strong, that you only need 15 to 20 drops per ounce of carrier oil, so the last time I made some of this recipe I used only 7 drops of each--still stronger than what I've read is necessary, but I didn't want to cut it down too much because it was so effective.